※古生物学会会員の皆様はメンバーページ経由ですと 各論文のPDFもダウンロードできます(vol.7以降).それ以前の号は本ページもしくはJ-STAGEからどなたでも閲覧可能です.

Vol.5 No.3

Shigeta, Y., Zakharov, Y. D. and Mapes, R. H., 2001: Origin of the Ceratitida (Ammonoidea) inferred from the early internal shell features. Paleontological Research, Vol.5 No.3, 201-213. 10.2517/prpsj.5.201.

Nomura, R., 2001: Quantification of optically granular texture of benthic foraminiferal walls. Paleontological Research, Vol.5 No.3, 193-200. 10.2517/prpsj.5.193.

Ray, S., 2001: Small Permian dicynodonts from India. Paleontological Research, Vol.5 No.3, 177-191. 10.2517/prpsj.5.177.

Amano, K. and Watanabe, M., 2001: Taxonomy and distribution of Plio-Pleistocene Buccinum (Gastropoda : Buccinidae) in northeast Japan. Paleontological Research, Vol.5 No.3, 215-226. 10.2517/prpsj.5.215.

Hayashi, K., 2001: Ostracode biostratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous Wakino Subgroup in northern Kyushu, Japan. Paleontological Research, Vol.5 No.3, 143-162. 10.2517/prpsj.5.143.

Matsumoto, T. and Takahashi, T., 2001: Further notes on the turrilitid ammonoids from Hokkaido : Part 2 (Studies of the Cretaceous ammonites from Hokkaido and Sakhalin-XC). Paleontological Research, Vol.5 No.3, 163-176. 10.2517/prpsj.5.163.

Nomura, R., 2001: Quantification of optically granular texture of benthic foraminiferal walls. Paleontological Research, Vol.5 No.3, 193-200. 10.2517/prpsj.5.193.

Ray, S., 2001: Small Permian dicynodonts from India. Paleontological Research, Vol.5 No.3, 177-191. 10.2517/prpsj.5.177.

Shigeta, Y., Zakharov, Y. D. and Mapes, R. H., 2001: Origin of the Ceratitida (Ammonoidea) inferred from the early internal shell features. Paleontological Research, Vol.5 No.3, 201-213. 10.2517/prpsj.5.201.

Amano, K. and Watanabe, M., 2001: Taxonomy and distribution of Plio-Pleistocene Buccinum (Gastropoda : Buccinidae) in northeast Japan. Paleontological Research, Vol.5 No.3, 215-226. 10.2517/prpsj.5.215.

Hayashi, K., 2001: Ostracode biostratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous Wakino Subgroup in northern Kyushu, Japan. Paleontological Research, Vol.5 No.3, 143-162. 10.2517/prpsj.5.143.

Matsumoto, T. and Takahashi, T., 2001: Further notes on the turrilitid ammonoids from Hokkaido : Part 2 (Studies of the Cretaceous ammonites from Hokkaido and Sakhalin-XC). Paleontological Research, Vol.5 No.3, 163-176. 10.2517/prpsj.5.163.

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